If you are interested to become a member of the growing global distributor network of Té Reval, please contact us at the closest regional office located nearest to you and our sales team will contact you:
Sri Lanka - Head Office
Jafferjee Brothers
150 St. Joseph Street
Colombo 14, Sri Lanka.
Telephone: +94-11-2432051-6
Fax: +94-11-2446085 or 2447875
Email: info@jb.slt.lk
Russia & CIS Countries
Jafferjee Brothers Representative Office
Business Center Building
Leninsky Prospect 2
117049 Moscow.
Telephone: +7-495-230-6853
Telefax: +7-495-2391115
Email: sales@jaftea.ru
Contact: Mr Janaka Hamangoda
Zylyon International
Alexanderstraat 6
2713 AT Zoetermeer
The Netherlands.
Telephone: +31-79-3169531
Telefax: + 31-79-316-5019
Email: dilip.tambyrajah@wxs.nl
Contact: Mr. Dilip Tambyrajah
Jafferjee Brothers Japan Office
Utsukushigaoka 1-12-3,
Aoba-ku, Yokohama- shi
Kanagawa-Ken, Japan 225-0002
Telephone: +81-45-532-9721
Fax: +81-45-532-9722
Mobile: +81-90-9108-2089
Email: jb@c-family.jp
Contact: Krishantha Chandraprema
JB Trading (Shanghai) Ltd
Suite 1701, No 1 Building, No 789 Tianshan Rd, Chang Ning District,
Shanghai, PRC
Postcode: 200051
Telephone: +86-21 6241 3018
Fax: +86-21 6241 3560
Email: louise.jb@163.com
Contact: Ms Louise